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Hello, i just need to say those soundtracks are verry verry well done. Thank you so much for making them free!

I'll use some of them in my game called Terra Tales

Thanks for kind words!

I used some of these tracks in Halucia, thank you!

Cool! Will check it out

(1 edit)

When writing this comment, I couldn't find the words to properly describe how amazing this sounds.

I used an ambience track in my game mechanic demo ( , and I intend to use the other tracks as I move forward.

Thank you so much for this breathtaking asset!

Thanks, glad to hear that! Will check it out

Thank you!

I Just figured out this has sound effects too! Thanks for all the music and keep up the good work!

Thank you :)




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Hello, i never seen this issue before, i dont know how to fix that

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You're a legend!



5 stars, you are amanzing


Thank you!


Is it also CC0? If yes, you forgot to add it to metadata


Thank you!